Birth registrations are processed at the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 shimin ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall.
Office hours are Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:30 to 17:15. It will take time for your documents to be processed so please be sure to come early.
After hours registrations will be processed by security (the east entrance of city hall).
Deadline | Who Must Register | What to Bring |
Counting the day of birth as day 1, registration must be filed within 14 days. (If the 14th day falls on a holiday, the deadline extends to the following day.) | The mother or the father |
*The child's name must be written using common use kanji, name kanji, hiragana or katakana.
※When a child is born, a birth notification must be filed with the local municipal administrative office within 14 days from the birth (including the date of birth), regardless of the child’s nationality, since the law for family registration is applied to non-Japanese people staying in Japan as well, as a territorially applicable rule. When the child’s nationality is other than Japanese, a number of applications are required, such as the “acquisition of status of residence.” Please go Multilingual Living Information( Displayed in another window )<外部リンク> for more details.
亀岡市役所の市民課 (1階)で受け付けます。
届出期間(いつまでに) | 届出する人 | 必要な物 |
子どもが生まれた日を1日目として14日以内に届出を出さないといけません。 (14日目が休日の場合はその翌日まで出さないといけません) |
父または母 |
※日本で子どもが生まれたら、戸籍法は属地的効力として日本国内の外国人にも適用されますので、国籍に関係なく生まれた日を含めて14日以内に市区町村の役所に出生届を提出します。また、子どもが日本国籍をもってない場合は、出入国管理と難民認定法に基づく「在留資格の取得」などの申請が必要です。詳しくは 多言語生活情報( Displayed in another window )<外部リンク>へ行ってくさい。