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Evacuation Shelters 避難場所

13 気候変動に具体的な対策を
ページID:0002335 2023年2月9日更新 印刷ページ表示

What is an Evacuation Shelter? 避難場所(ひなんばしょ)について

Evacuation shelters are designated facilities or public areas where you can seek shelter if there is an earthquake, tsunami, flood, fire, or other large scale disaster. In general, most schools, community centers, or parks are designated as evacuation shelters in times of emergency. If evacuation seems necessary, Kameoka will inform the public by issuing one of the following:

  • Evacuation for the Elderly and other High-Risk Persons (高齢者(こうれいしゃ)など避難(ひなん) kōreishatō hinan)
  • Evacuation Advisory (避難指示(ひなんしじ) hinan shiji)
  • Emergency Safety Measures(緊急安全確保(きんきゅうあんぜんかくほ) kinkyu anzen kakuho

Click the image to enlarge.イラストをクリックすると大(おお)きくなります。

These warnings will be broadcast on television, on the radio, by cars with loudspeakers, and by E-mail*. Even if Kameoka has not issued an evacuation order, if you feel you are in danger during a natural disaster, you should quickly and calmly go to the nearest evacuation shelter. Please see the list below.


  • 高齢者等避難(こうれいしゃとうひなん)
  • 避難指示(ひなんしじ)
  • 緊急安全確保(きんきゅうあんぜんかくほ)



*You can register for the Kameoka Information Emailing Services online (service in Japanese only):


You should make sure you know where nearby shelters are ahead of time. You should also make a plan with family and friends so you can meet up in the event of a disaster. You should also look up nearby hospitals, convenience stores, and public telephones.


Types of evacuation shelters in Kameoka 亀岡市(かめおかし)の避難場所(ひなんばしょ)の種類(しゅるい)

Evacuation shelters are designated by the mark on the right. There are 6 different types of evacuation she亀岡市の避難場所の種類の画像lters in Kameoka:


Designated Evacuation Shelters 指定避難所 していひなんしょ shitei hinansho

Designated evacuation shelters are designed to provide temporary residence for people who have nowhere to go during a disaster. You should go to one of these shelters if your home is partially or completely destroyed by fire, an earthquake, other disaster, or if being in your home becomes dangerous. Kameoka City will open these shelters depending on the the type of disaster. You can get information, food, and drink at these evacuation shelters. If you are unable to return to your home, you can stay overnight at the designated evacuation shelters.



Designated Emergency Evacuation Shelters 指定緊急避難場所 していきんきゅうひなんばしょ shitei kinkyuu hinan basho

Kameoka City will open Designated Emergency Evacuation shelters for usage if they are determined to be necessary. Please note that depending on the type of disasters, there are some places that can or cannot be used.


Short-term Evacuation Shelters・Evacuation Shelters 一時避難施設・避難場所 いちじひなんしせつ・ひなんばしょ   ichiji hinan shihinan basho

Short-term evacuation shelters are available to people who feel like they should leave their home due to possible damage from aftershocks or other disasters. They are opened by local neighbourhood associations.


Open Area Evacuation Sites 広域避難場所   こういきひなんばしょ kōiki hinan basho

Open area evacuation sites are large, open areas that can be used whenever there is a widespread fire or heaving flooding that makes going to other evacuation sites dangerous and/or when there are a large number of evacuees.


Provisional Evacuation Shelters 臨時避難所 りんじひなんじょ rinji hinan jo

Provisional evacuation shelters are the last to be opened. The city will open extra evacuation shelters on stand-by in the event that long-term evacuation shelters are unable to respond to the needs of all the victims of a disaster. Once they have been opened, you can get food, drink, and information at provisional evacuation shelters. If your home is too dangerous to return to, you can stay overnight at provisional evacuation shelters.



Social Welfare Institution Evacuation Shelters 福祉避難所   ふくしひなんじょ fukushi hinan jo

Social Welfare Institution Evacuation Shelters are open for those who have special needs or require special lifestyle support.


List of evacuation shelters 避難場所(ひなんばしょ)


Clicking on the names of the shelters listed in the PDF files below will bring up a map.



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