Divorce registrations are processed at the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 shimin ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall.
Office hours are Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:30 to 17:15. It will take time for your documents to be processed so please be sure to come early.
After hours registrations will be processed by security (the east entrance of city hall).
Please bring a passport, driver's license, or other official photo ID.
Deadline/Validity | Who Must Register | What to Bring |
Divorce by Mutual Consent
The husband and wife *In a mutual divorce, 2 witnesses over the age of 20 must be present. |
Divorce in Family/Civil Court(Aribtrated/Adjudicated Divorce)
*In a court ordered divorce, the petitioner must file. |
Arbitrated Divorce (Family Court)
Adjudicated Divorce (Civil Court)
* If you wish to keep the same last name you had while married, you must file a Notification of Continued Use of Married Name After Divorce (離婚の際に称していた氏を称する届 rikon no sai ni shō shite ita shi wo shō suru todoke) within 3 months of the finalization of the divorce.
※The divorce registration form is directly available at the city hall.
Please go here for further information regarding the international divorce registration process.<外部リンク>
届出期間・効力 | 届出をする人 | 必要な物 |
協議離婚 【2人で話し合って離婚を決めた場合】
夫と妻 ※20歳以上の証人2人が必要です。 |
調停離婚 【話しあいで離婚できないとき、家庭裁判所で調停をして離婚をします】 裁判離婚 【裁判所が決めた離婚】
申立人 (もうしたてにん) |
【調停の内容を書いたもの】 裁判離婚
【判決が決まったという証明書】 |