Marriage registrations are processed at the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 shimin ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall( Displayed in another window ).
Office hours are Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:30 to 17:15. It will take time for your documents to be processed so please be sure to come early.
After hours registrations will be processed by security (the east entrance of city hall).
Please bring a passport, driver's license, or other official photo ID.
Validity | Who Must Register | What to Bring |
The registration becomes valid on the day it is filed |
The bride and groom. (2 witnesses over the age of 20 must be present) If either the bride or groom are underage, his or her mother or father must sign a letter of consent. *A marriage registration does not count as a "change of address" registration. If you are moving in with your spouse, you are still required to file a Notification of Moving-in (転入届 tennyū todoke), Notification of Moving-out (転出届 tenshutsu todoke) or Notification of Moving (転居届 tenkyo todoke). See Moving 転入届・転出届・転居届(引っ越しするときの手つづき) for details. |
※The marriage registration form is directly available at the city hall.
Please go International Marriage and Divorce( Displayed in another window )<外部リンク> for further information regarding the international marriage registration process.
亀岡市役所の市民課 (1階)で受け付けます。
効力 | 届出をする人 | 必要な物 |
手つづきをした日から。 |
夫と妻 (20歳以上の証人2人のサインとハンコが必要です) 夫か妻が 19歳以下のとき、父と母のサインとハンコが必要です。 (注)婚姻届を出しても住所は変りません。住所が変わるときは転入届・転出届・転居届が必要です。詳しくはMoving 転入届・転出届・転居届(引っ越しするときの手つづき)。 |
国際結婚届の手続きの詳しい情報についてここ( Displayed in another window )<外部リンク>へ行ってください。