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Start or End Water Service 開栓・閉栓 (新しく水道を使うとき・やめるときなど)

9 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう
ページID:0002390 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

Please contact the Kameoka Water Board under the following circumstances:


Starting Up Water Services 新しく水道を使うとき

  • You have moved to Kameoka 亀岡市に引っ越したとき
  • You have built a new home 新しい家を建てたとき

Ending Water Services 水道を止めるとき

  • You are moving away from Kameoka 亀岡市から出たとき
  • You are demolishing your home 家を壊したとき
  • You will not be using water services for an extended period of time 長い間水を使わないとき

Other Reasons to Contact the Water Board 何か変わったことがあったとき

  • The name of the person holding the account has changed 水道を使っている人・持っている人が変わるとき
  • You wish to change your method of payment 水道料金を払う方法を変えたいとき
  • The number of households in an apartment building has changed マンションなどで世帯数が変わるとき

Starting Up Water Service 新しい水道を使うとき

In order to start up water service in your home you need to visit the water board and make an application. You can also apply over the phone (Tel:0771-25-6702). Click on the link below for an example of the application.

Please note that the documents below are samples (last updated 2013) and should only be used as a reference.


Required Paperwork 届け出 Deadline いつまでに What to Bring 必要な物
開栓届 kaisen todoke[PDFファイル/318KB]
2-3 days before you want to begin water service. Personal seal (inkan)
水道を使いたい 日の2~3日前までに 印鑑

Ending Water Service 水道を止めるとき

In order to end the water service in your home, you need to visit the water board and cancel your contract. You will need to pay for any remaining balance on your bill.
*The water bill is calculated by adding a standard fee (基本料金 kihon ryōkin) to the fees based on how much water you have used. Therefore, if you fail to cancel your contract, you will still be required to pay for the standard fee even if you have moved away from Kameoka and are not using your water. Please be sure to file the cancellation paperwork.

Please note that the documents below are samples (last updated 2013) and should only be used as a reference.


Required Paperwork 届け出 Deadline いつまでに What to Bring 必要な物
閉栓届 heisen todoke[PDFファイル/296KB]
2-3 days before you want to end water service.

Personal seal (inkan)

Proof of deposit payment (yonoukin shousho)*




*This only applies to those who made a deposit payment before April 2007.


Other Reasons to Contact the Water Board その他、何か変わったとき

You need to contact the water board when:

  • The person who holds the contract/is using the water service changes
  • You wish to change your method of payment
  • The number of households within an apartment changes


  • 水道を持っている人・使っている人が変わるとき
  • 水道料金を払う方法を変えたいとき
  • マンションなどで世帯の数が変わるとき

The Water Board Payment Center 水道料金センター

Please click here for contact and access information.



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