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Kameoka Zero Plastic Waste Declaration かめおかプラスチックごみゼロ宣言

14 海の豊かさを守ろう8 働きがいも経済成長も
ページID:0002415 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

 As microplastics along with many other forms of plastic waste polluting the ocean have become a global-scale issue, the movement to reduce single-use plastics has been increasing in popularity all around the world.

 Even throughout Kameoka, this current waste problem is already posing a significant impact on the natural landscape (including that of the Hozu River), Kameoka’s citizens’ living environment, and tourism. It is as well a large concern that the issue of plastic waste would affect the river’s ecosystem which serves as a habitat for the critically endangered “Ayumodoki”(Japanese Kissing Loach).

 In 2012, Kameoka was the very first inland municipal government to hold the “Marine Litter Summit” where they announced their plan to clean up the Hozu River and prevent waste from further flowing into the ocean. Through environmental conservation and economic rejuvenation, Kameoka has vowed to deepen its commitment to reducing pollution in the ocean. With the support of its citizens, Kameoka will become “A Proudly Environmentally Friendly City”. To help make this commitment a reality, on December 13th 2018 Kameoka’s city government signed the “Kameoka Zero Plastic Waste Declaration” into agreement.


 かめおか市で使い捨てプラスチックごみの問題は、 自然や市民の生活、そして観光に大きな影響を与えています。市の魚のアユモドキや保津川の生態系に与える影響も心配です。



Japanese Version 「かめおかプラスチックごみゼロ宣言」[PDFファイル/384KB]

English Version 「かめおかプラスチックごみゼロ宣言(英訳)」[PDFファイル/294KB]


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