If you arrive at Narita International Airport, Tokyo-Haneda International Airport, Chubu Centrair International Airport, or Kansai International Airport, you will receive a landing permission stamp in your passport. If you have a visa to stay for over 90 days, you will be issued a Residence Card (在留カード zairyū kaado) at the airport.
*If you arrive at any other airport, you will not recieve your Residence Card right away. Your passport will be stamped with a landing permission sticker and a stamp that indicates that you will recieve your residence card at a later date (在留カード後日交付 zairyū kaado gojitsu kōfu). Once you complete the necessary paperwork at Kameoka City Hall, your residence card will be sent to you.
After receiving a residence card from the airport (*), you need to bring your passport and residence card to the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 shimin ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall and fill out a "Notification of Moving-in" (転入届 tennyū todoke) within 14 days of moving to Kameoka. See Moving Notifications for details.
*This includes persons who have not received their card yet but have had their passport stamped with a stamp stating he or she will receive their card at a later date (在留カードを後日交付 zairyū kaado gojitsu kōfu).
There is a new residency management system for foreign residents of Japan
As of July 9, 2012, the residency management system for foreign residents has changed. The old system, the Alien Registration System, was abolished. In its place, the Japanese government has implemented the Basic Resident Registration Law and made changes to the Immigration Control Act.
Under the new system, foreign residents will receive a residence card (在留カード zairyū kaado) and special permanent residents will receive a special permanent resident card (特別永住者証明書 tokubetsu eijūsha shōmeisho). If you entered Japan before July 9, 2012, you will be able to use your Certificate of Alien Registration (外国人登録証明書 gaikokujin tōroku shōmeisho) in place of a Residence Card for some time.
However, the new system means that there are new rules and procedures for foreign residents living in Japan.
When your address changes in Japan, you are required to turn in a notification at the correct city hall.
According to the old system (the Alien Registration System), foreign residents were not required to notify their city of residence when they moved. For example, if a foreign resident moved from Kameoka City to another city in Japan, there were no requirements at Kameoka City Hall.
As of July 9, 2012, however, foreign residents are required to file a "Notification of Moving-out" (転出届 tenshutsu todoke) when changing cities, just like Japanese nationals. They will receive a "Certificate of Moving-out" (転出証明書 tenshutsu shōmeisho). After moving to a new city, they must take the "Certificate of Moving-out" and their Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Card to their new city hall and file a "Notification of Moving-in" (転入届 tennyū todoke).
If you are moving abroad, you must file a "Notification of Moving-out," even if you have a re-entry permission stamp.
When changes to your status of residency or visa occur, you are required to visit the Immigration Office and file the proper paperwork.
For further details, please click Immigration Services Agency of Japan<外部リンク>.
The nearest immigration office to Kameoka is the Kyoto Branch of the Osaka Regional Immigration Services Bureau
大阪出入国在留管理局京都出張所(ōsaka shutsunyūkoku zairyū kanrikyoku kyōto shutchōsho)
京都市左京区丸太町川端東入ル東丸太町34-12 京都第二地方合同庁舎 4F(map)
<外部リンク>kyōtoshi sakyōku marutamachi kawabata higashi iru higashi marutamachi 34-12
kyōto daini chihō gōdō chōsha 4F
京都市左京区丸太町川端東入ル東丸太町34-12 京都第二地方合同庁舎 4F(地図)<外部リンク>
きょうとだいにちほうごうどうちょうしゃ 4F
Under the previous system, information regarding foreign residents was recorded on a Foreign Resident Registration Ledger (外国人登録原票 gaikokujin tōroku genpyō). However, under the new law, information about foreign residents will be recorded on a Basic Resident Register (住民基本台帳 jūmin kihon daichō), just like Japanese nationals. Copies of Foreign Resident Registration Ledgers (外国人登録原票記載事項証明書 gaikokujin tōroku kisai jikō shōmeisho) can no longer be provided. Instead, copies of the Certificate of Residence will be provided. In the past, even foreign residents who were part of a Japanese household were registered on a separate register, but under the new law, foreign residents can obtain copies of Certificate of Residence that has the name of each family member included.
Please click Resident Registration System<外部リンク> for more details.
You can apply for a Certificate of Residence by visiting the Ministry of Justice (法務省 hōmushō) or by mail.
You cannot apply by telephone, Fax or over the internet.
The application should be processed within 30 days and you can pick up your Certificate of Residence.
*After that, you can apply for a copy of your Certificate of Residence from the Citizens Affairs Section on the 1st floor of city hall.