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The Sewage System 下水道 (家で使った よごれた水)

6 安全な水とトイレを世界中に
ページID:0002385 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

The water supply network provides clean water for daily life and removes waste water for treatment. In Japan, the water system is separated into a water system "上水道 jōsuidō" and a sewage system "下水道 gesuidō."


About the Sewage System 下水道について

The sewage system collects and transports used, dirty water (such as from the sink, bathtub and toilet) from the home to treatment facilities.


Proper Use of the Sewage System 下水道の使い方

The sewage system is not a garbage disposal. Please keep the following in mind to avoid damaging the sewa下水道の使い方の画像ge system:

  • Do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the toilet.
  • Do not put vegetable peelings, cloth, dirt, sand, or anything else down the drain that might clog the pipes.
  • Do not pour cooking oil (tempura oil, salad oil, etc.) down the drain.
  • Check the drain periodically for blockages and remove any vegetable peelings or solid waste.


  • トイレでは、トイレットペーパーだけ流してください。他の紙や物などは流さないでください。
  • 下水道に、野菜のくず、布ぎれ、土や砂などを流さないでください。下水道管が詰まってしまいます。
  • 料理用の油(天ぷら油やサラダ油)を流さないでください。
  • 施設マスは、時々確認してください。野菜くずやごみなどがあったら、取り除いて、掃除をしてください。

Sewage and Water Pipes 水道管について

You are responsible for the maintenance and management of the sewage pipes in your home.

The sewage system in Kameoka is a divided system where rainwater and waste water are collected and directed through separate pipings. Please be sure not to allow rainwater to flow into the waste water pipes.

If the sewage pipes in your home become clogged or burst, you are required to use one of the repair companies approved by the city of Kameoka.





