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When a Baby is Born  出産(赤ちゃんが 生まれたとき)

ページID:0002377 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

After your baby is born, you need to visit the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 shimin ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall and turn in a Notification of Birth (出生届 shusshō todoke).

Registration Deadline Who What to Bring

Notification of Birth

出生届 shusshō todoke

Counting the day of the birth as day 1, registration must be filed within 14 days

(If the 14th day falls on a holiday, then the deadline moves to the next day)

The mother or the father
  • Birth Certificate(出生証明書 shusshō shōmeisho). *Must have the signature stamp of a doctor or midwife.
  • Inkan (hanko) of the person filing the report.
  • Mother and Child's Health Recordbook(母子健康手帳 boshi kenkō techō)
  • National Health Insurance Card(国民健康保険被保険者証 kokumin kenkō hoken hihokenshashō) *If applicable

* The child's name must be written in standard kanji, name kanji, hiragana or katakana.

*If there are any other necessary registrations (Child Allowance, etc.), the Citizen's Affairs Section will direct you where to go when you turn in the Notification of Birth.

*Registrations can be filed from 8:30~17:15 Monday-Friday, not including holidays. It may take some time to complete the paperwork so please be prepared. After hours registrations will be handled at the security gate at the east entrance to city hall.

*There may be other requirements through the immigration office. Contact the immigration office<外部リンク> directly for details.


何を いつまで だれが 必要な物





  • 出生証明書(しゅっしょうしょうめいしょ)※医師か助産師の記入押印が必要です。
  • 届出を出す人の印鑑【はんこ】
  • 母子健康手帳(ぼしけんこうてちょう)
  • 国民健康保険被保険者証(こくみんけんこうほけんひほけんしゃしょう)※持っている人だけ






