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Family Support Groups 子育ての支援団体

ページID:0002376 2022年10月21日更新 印刷ページ表示

Kameoka Family Support Center 亀岡市ファミリー・サポート・センター

The Kameoka Family Support Center provides support services for families raising children when they need assistance due to schedule conflicts, etc. Registration is required. Families that register for services will be matched with volunteers who register to provide support.

  • Families living or working in Kameoka requesting services:(おねがい会員 onegai kaiin
  • Volunteer caregivers living in Kameoka:(まかせて会員 makasete kaiin


  • 「おねがい会員」:亀岡市に住んでいる人または亀岡市で働いている人で子育ての援助を受けたい親など
  • 「まかせて会員」:亀岡市に住んでいる人で子育ての援助をする人

Activities 活動内容

  • Transporting children to and from daycare, kindergarten, elementary school, and after-school activities.
  • Looking after children before or after daycare hours.
  • Looking after children while parents are out or attending formal occasions such as weddings or funerals.

※Children will stay at the makasete kaiin's home.
※Children are not able to sleep over at the makasete kaiin's home.
※Unless in the case of an emergency, the makasete kaiin cannot give children medicine or take them to a hospital.

  • 子どもを保育所・幼稚園・小学校・習い事へ送ったり迎えに行ったりします。
  • 保育所・保育園などの始まる前そして終わったあと、子どもの預かりをします。
  • 親が外に出たり、結婚式や葬式などにいくときに子どもの預かりをします。


Membership 会員登録(会員になるための手つづき)

Free Registration is required to become an onegai kaiin. You can register at any time during the year. When you register to become a onegai kaiin, you will need to provide a  1 "3cm×2.5cm" pictures​ of yourself.

*Volunteer caregivers (makasete kaiin) must undergo a total 10 hours of free training lectures (3 lectures per-year). When you register to become a makasete kaiin, you will need to provide a 2 "3cm×2.5cm" pictures of yourself.



Eligibility 対象となる子ども

Children from 3 months to until the end elementary school/grade 6 of compulsory education.


Fees 利用料(いくら)

  • Monday~Friday (7am~8pm): 700 yen per hour
  • For hours not listed above, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, and New Years (Dec 29th~Jan 3rd): 800 yen per hour

※In the case of siblings, every child after the 1st is half the cost.
※Cost is calculated from when the onegai kaiin leaves their child with the makasete kaiin until they pick up their child

 (Examples) Under 1 hour            → 1 hour fee
         Over 1 hour, under 1.5 hours    → 1.5 hour fee  
       Over 1.5 hours, under 2 hours  → 2 hour fee

※Cancellation fees are as follows

 Cancellation up until the day before reservation                   → Free
 Cancellation the day of reservation (up until the time of reservation)          → Half of the total cost
 Cancellation the day of reservation (after the time of rerservation (without contact)) → Full total cost






例)1時間以内のとき                  → 1時間の料金

  1時間を越えて~1時間30分以内のとき       → 1時間30分の料金

  1時間30分を越えて~2時間以内のとき       → 2時間の料金



  予約した前の日までの取り消し            → 無料

  予約の日(活動時間までの取り消し)         → 予約した時間の利用料金の半額


  予約の日(連絡なし、活動時間後の取り消し)     → 予約した時間の利用料金の全額

*Fees differ depending on the day and hours.

Compensation Insurance 補償保険

When using the service, you will automatically be placed in the following compensation insurance: 福祉事業者総合補償制度 まごころワイド (fukushi jigyousha sougou hoshou seido magokoro waido). This insurance is free.  

使うときは「福祉事業者総合補償制度 まごころワイド」に入ります。保険の料金は無料です。

Location and Hours 場所と時間

Kameoka Family Support Center<外部リンク>
*Closed on Thursdays (if Thursday is a holiday, the center will close the following day). It is also closed during the end of the year and beginning of the year.


Kameoka Kosodate Shien Center 亀岡市子育て支援センター

The Kameoka Kosodate Shien Center provides an enriching atmosphere and various activities for parents and children. Participation is free.


Activities 事業

Application is required depending on the activity. Please confirm ahead of time.


Playgroup Activities ひろば事業

This free play space provides a place for children, parents, and people of different ages to interact with one another. On rainy days children can play inside the Fureai Room. Picture Book Reading Time (絵本のひろば ehon no hiroba) is held the 2nd Friday of each month.


Tsudoi Activities つどい事業

Activities for parents and children that encourage interaction across age groups.

  • Pre-Infant Playgroup (プレぴよひろば purepiyo hiroba): a small exchange group for pregnant women and newly born infants.
  • Infants Playgroup (ひよこひろば hiyoko hiroba):
    Exchange group for parents and infants. Activities include: talks on how-to-play with your child, and their heath. → Takes place every 2nd Wednesday (pregnant women and infants under 6 months),
    Exchange group for parents and infants. Activities include: talks on weaning, 1 year birthday parties, and much more. → Takes place every 4th Wednesday (infants 7~12 months).
  • PukuPuku Playground(ぷくぷくひろば pukupuku hiroba): For parents and children ages 1~2
  • KiraKira Playground(きらきらひろば kirakira hiroba): For parents and children ages 2 and up
  • Kangaroo Playground (カンガルーひろば kangaruu hiroba): For parents and children ages 1 and up.
  • Twin Childrearing Household Exchange Group (多胎育児家庭交流会 tatai ikuji katei kouryuukai ): An exchange group for parents of twins, triplets etc. and their children.
  • Other activities and groups include, a playground for children of all ages, an outdoors playspace, basic first-aid classes, childcare lectures, childrens farm events, and many more. 


  • 「プレぴよひろば」:妊婦さん、赤ちゃんが生まれてからまもない人の少ない人数での交流会
  • 「ひよこひろば」:赤ちゃんと親などの交流会→毎月第2水曜日(対象:妊娠中~生まれてから6ヵ月)離乳食のお話、1歳のお誕生日会など→毎月第4水曜日(対象:生まれてから7ヵ月~生まれてから12ヵ月)
  • 「ぷくぷくひろば」:1歳以上2歳未満の子どもと親
  • 「きらきらひろば」:2歳以上の子どもと親
  • 「カンガルーのひろば」:1歳以上の子どもと親
  • 「多胎育児家庭交流会」:双子や三つ子などの子どもたちと親の交流会(年間数回)
  • 「みんなのひろば」、「かめおかっこ出前ひろば」、「普通救命講習会」、「子育て講座」、「かめおかっこ農園」もあります。

Sunny Counseling Program 相談事業おひさま

Staff members will answer any questions you have about childcare or child raising. All counseling is free
Hours: 9:00~17:00 (except Thursday). Telephone consultations are also available.Tel:0771-29-2710


Information Exchange 情報交換

Information about childcare and childraising is shared at the exchange corner(交流コーナー kōryū kōnaa)


Location and Hours 場所と時間

Kameoka Kosodate Shien Center<外部リンク>
*Hours:9:00-17:00. The center is closed every Thursday (if Thursday is a holiday, the center will close the following day). Also closed during the end of the year and beginning of the year.



