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Single Parent Family Support ひとり親家庭支援

3 すべての人に健康と福祉を
ページID:0002371 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

There are several programs designed to support single parent households. For more information, please contact the Parental Support Section (子育て支援課 kosodate shien ka) located inside the Health Center(保健センター hoken sentaa).




Child Support Allowance 児童扶養手当(子どもを育てることへのお金の支援)

The Child Support Allowance (児童扶養手当 jidō fuyō teate) program is designed to provide financial assistance to single parent households with children under the age of 18. Families are eligible until March 31 of the fiscal year during which the child turns 18. If the child has a disability, coverage lasts until his or her 20th birthday.

Also, if a parent(s) are raising their children under the following conditions, they are eligible for this program.

  1. Parents are divorced
  2. One parent has passed on
  3. One parent has a severe disability
  4. One parent is missing (where their status of being dead or alive is unknown)
  5. One parent has abandoned the child for more than a year
  6. One parent is receiving court-ordered protection as per the domestic violence law
  7. One parent is imprisoned by law for more than a year
  8. Mothers who gave birth to a child without being wed

However, if they are eligible for any public pension (other than the Welfare Pension for the Elderly 老齢福祉年金 rōrei fukushi nenkin), they do not qualify for the Child Support Allowance program.

*There is a salary limitation.



  1. 父母が離婚した
  2. 父か母が死亡した
  3. 父か母が重度の障害がある
  4. 父か母が生死不明
  5. 父か母に1年以上育児すること完全にやめている
  6. 父か母が裁判所からのDV(ドメスティック・バイオレンス)保護命令を受けた
  7. 父か母が捕まって法令により1年以上拘禁されている
  8. 母が結婚しないで出産した



Medical Fees Support 医療費助成(病院に行くときのお金の支援)

The Medical Fees Support (医療費助成 iryōhi josei) program is for single parent households where the parent and child(ren) are enrolled in health insurance. The program will pay for a portion of insurance co-pays when you visit the hospital or are hospitalized.

*Children are eligible until the March 31st following their 18th birthday.

*There is a salary limitation.




Other Support Programs for Single Parent Households その他の母子家庭への支援

  • Scholarship programs for single parent households
  • Financial support for water bills for single parent households
  • ひとり親家庭の人のための奨学金(学費の支援)があります。
  • 水道料金の一部を払う制度もあります。

Non-Financial Support Programs ひとり親家庭を応援する事業(お金以外の支援)

  • Lifestyle learning courses
  • Exchange programs
  • Information exchange groups
  • 生活支援講習事業(生活についていろいろ学ぶ教室)
  • 相互の交流(ひとり親家庭の交流事業)
  • 情報交換事業(情報をシェアする事業)


