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75+ Senior's Health Insurance 後期高齢者医療制度(75歳以上の人の医療支援)

ページID:0002356 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

75+ Senior's Health 後期高齢者医療制度(75歳以上の人の医療支援)

75+ Senior's Health Insurance is an insurance program for senior citizens age 75 and older. It is called 後期高齢者医療制度 kōki kōreisha iryōseido. The following people can enroll in this insurance program:

  • Persons age 75 and older
  • Persons age 65-74 who have been certified as having a disability

You become eligible for this program on the day of your 75th birthday or the day you receive your certification. Upon enrollment, you will receive a 75+ Health Insurance Card (後期高齢者医療被保険者証 kōki kōreisha hihokensha shō). To receive benefits you must show this when you visit a hospital or doctor's office.

*For more information, please contact the Insurance & Pension Section (保険医療課 hoken iryō ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall.



  • 75歳以上の人
  • 一定の障害があると認定を受けた65歳~74歳の人




About the Program 制度について

Co-payment 自己負担金(自分で払うお金)

  • You are responsible for paying 10% of your medical fees. The insurance will pay the rest
    *However, if you make over a certain amount of income each year, you will be required to pay 30%
  • 病気を治すための医療費の10%を自分で払います。これは「自己負担金」と言います。残りは保険から払われます。

Subsidy for High Medical Bills 高額医療費(病気を治すためにたくさんお金を払うとき)

If you have to pay more than a decided amount for medical care in one month, you may be eligible for a refund on the amount exceeding the limit. The limit is determined based on your annual income.

*The amount you pay (your co-payment) can include combined medical fees from hospitals, clinics, or dentists. Fees paid at pharmacies can also be included. However, anything not covered by insurance, such as food bills during hospitalization or amenity beds.



Payment Limit 限度額適用・標準負担額減額(自己負担金が決まった金額より高くならない制度)

If you are a member of a household that is exempt from paying residency taxes (住民税非課税世帯 jūminzei hikazei setai) you can apply to have a payment limit set for your co-payments. You will receive a Payment Limit/Standard Individual Payment Limit Reduction Approval Certificate (限度額適用・標準負担額減額認定証 gendogaku tekiyō・hyōjun futangaku gengaku ninteishō). You will need to show this when you visit a hospital or clinic.

Under this system, you can receive a reduced rate for health care and for meals during hospitalization.



High Medical and Nursing Care Bills Assistance 高額医療・高額介護合算制度(医療費と介護費を同時にたくさんお金を払うとき)

If members of your household is enrolled in both 75+ Senior's Health Insurance and Nursing Insurance resulting in high medical bills, you can apply for assistance. An Individual Payment Limit (自己負担限度額 jiko futan gendogaku) will be applied (for one year from August to July of the next year). Any payments that exceed that limit will be refunded.


Premiums for 75+ Senior's Health Insurance 後期高齢者医療保険料(保険に入るために払うお金)

Premiums for 75+ Senior's Health Insurance are determined on an individual basis by the Kyoto Prefecture 75+ Senior's Health Insurance Extended Association.

How to Pay

  • Special Collection: Persons recieving 180,000 yen or more per year from their pension will have the premiums deducted from the pension.
  • Regular Collection: Anyone not included in the above can pay through bank transfer or with a bill delivered to the home.



  • 特別徴収:一年に年金から18万円以上を受けている人は年金から引き落としとなります。
  • 普通徴収:それ以外の人は、口座振替または納付書を使って現金で払うことができます。


