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Health Support for Senior Citizens 福祉医療制度 (おとしよりの 人の 健康支援)

ページID:0002355 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

Seniors Medical Fee Subsidy 老人医療費助成事業(病院に行くときのお金の支援)

Persons age 65 to 69 are eligible for the Seniors Medical Fee Subsidy Program. This program provides subsidies for co-payments paid for health care. Application required.

*For more information, please contact the Insurance & Pension Section (保険医療課 hoken iryō ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall. Tel:0771-25-5026



Eligibility 対象

In order to be eligible for the Seniors Medical Fee Subsidy, you must not be eligible for 75+ Seniors Health Insurance or any other medical welfare program and meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be part of a household exempt from paying income tax (所得税非課税世帯 shotokuzei hikazei setai)
  • Live alone on an income that is less than the senior's welfare pension benefits limit (老齢福祉年受給限度額 rōrei fukushi nenkin jukyū gendogaku)
  • Live in a senior household (members are 60 years old and above) and income is less than the senior's welfare pension benefits limit (老齢福祉年受給限度額 rōrei fukushi nenkin jukyū gendogaku)


  • 所得税を払わなくともいいと認めている世帯の人(所得税非課税世帯)
  • 一人で住んでいる人で、所得が「老齢福祉年金受給限度額」より低い人
  • 老人世帯(60歳以上の人がいる世帯)の人で所得が「老齢福祉年金受給限度額」より低い人

Application Requirements 申し込みに必要なもの

  • Medical health insurance card 健康保険証
  • Inkan (hanko)印鑑【はんこ】

Health Management Program for Senior's with Severe Disabilities 重度心身障害老人健康管理事業(重い障害のあるおとしよりの人のための健康支援)

This program is a financial support program for senior citizens enrolled in 75+ Seniors Health Insurance who have a level 1 or 2 Physical Disability Recordbook (身体障害者手帳 shintai shōgaisha techō) or a Group A Special Education Recordbook (療育手帳 ryōiku techō). Co-payments made for medical care under the 75+ Seniors Health Insurance will be covered by public funding. However, an income limit does apply.

*For more information, please contact the Insurance & Pension Section (保険医療課 hoken iryō ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall (counter 6). Tel: 0771-25-5026




