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About National Health Insurance 国民健康保険について

ページID:0002343 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

About National Health Insurance 国民健康保険について

Anyone who lives in Japan for longer than 3 months and who is not a member of any other health insurance is required to sign up for the National Health Insurance (国民健康保険 kokumin kenkō hoken). After signing up for National Health Insurance, you will be issued a health insurance card (保険証 hokenshō).

By showing your insurance card at the check-in counter when seeing a doctor for an illness or injury, you will only be required to pay a portion of the doctor fees. The insurance will cover the rest. You are eligible for a variety of health care services with your insurance.



Eligibility 入ることができる人

Please click here to confirm if you are eligible for National Health Insurance coverage.<外部リンク>


How to Join 入るときの手つづき

You must register for National Health Insurance coverage. This is called 加入手続 kanyū tetsuzuki.

However, you are expected to register within 14 days of becoming eligible for National Health Insurance. For example, if you move to Kameoka or if you lose health insurance coverage from your employer, you become eligible for National Health Insurance on that day. You have 14 days to register from that day.


※If you register late you will be required to pay back payments on your insurance premiums for the time between the day you became eligible for insurance and the day you registered. Also, if you visit a doctor during the time that you are uninsured, you will be required to pay the full price of the medical fees.

※For all types of registration, your "my number" document and a proof of identification document are required.
※If someone from a separate household is helping you with the registration process, a power of attorney document is required→Power of Attorney Form[PDFファイル/94KB] (Japanese only)

When to Register for National Health Insurance

Please register at the Insurance & Pension Section located on the 1st Floor of Kameoka city hall保険医療課(市役所1階)で加入の手つづきをしてください。

When What to Bring
When you move to Kameoka
  • Inkan (hanko)
  • Certificate of Moving-out (転出証明書 tenshutsu shōmeisho) from your previous residence
When you are no longer receiving insurance from your employer
  • Inkan (hanko)
  • Certificate of Health Insurance Coverage Loss (健康保険の資格喪失証明書 kenkō hoken no shikaku sōshitsu shōmeisho) or Certificate of Withdrawal (脱退連絡票 dattai renraku hyō)
When you lose dependent status on someone's employer provided insurance
  • Inkan (hanko)
  • Certificate of Health Insurance Coverage Loss (健康保険の資格喪失証明書 kenkō hoken no shikaku sōshitsu shōmeisho) or Certificate of Withdrawal (脱退連絡票 dattai renraku hyō)
When you have a baby
  • Inkan (hanko)
  • National Health Insurance Card (国民健康保険証 kokumin kenkō hokenshō)
When you stop receiving public assistance (生活保護 seikatsu hogo)
  • Inkan (hanko)
  • Notification of End of Public Assistance (保護廃止決定通知書 hogo haishi kettei tsūchisho)

*For people who have been staying in Japan for three months or less, a document certifying that they will stay in Japan for more than three months is required (e.g.: a letter of acceptance from a school, student registration certificate, etc.)







こんなとき 必要な物
  • 印鑑【はんこ】
  • 前住んだところからの「転出証明書」
  • 印鑑【はんこ】
  • 職場の健康保険の「資格喪失証明書」または「脱退連絡票」
  • 印鑑【はんこ】
  • 職場の健康保険の「資格喪失証明書」または「脱退連絡票」
  • 印鑑【はんこ】
  • 国民健康保険証
  • 印鑑【はんこ】
  • 「保護廃止決定通知書」



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