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Heavy Rain, Flooding 大雨

13 気候変動に具体的な対策を
ページID:0002340 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示



When There is Heavy Wind or Rain 風や雨がとても強いときは

When emergency warnings are issued, the region is considered to be in a highly dangerous state due to heavy rain, earthquakes etc. Please take immediate action according to the issued warnings.


What to do こうしてください


  1. Listen to the radio or watch the TV for weather updates. You can also check online.
  2. Check the area surrounding your home for items likely to be blown away in high winds. Either bring them inside or secure them to your building.
  3. Prepare for flooding. Move household goods to a safe place.
  4. If your area is in danger of landslides or severe flooding, evacuate to a safe location as quickly as possible. Check the list of evacuation shelters for the shelter nearest you.
  1. テレビ、ラジオ、インターネットで天気の情報に注意してください。
  2. 風が強いとき、物が飛んで危険です。洗濯物や外の物などを固定してください。また、家の中に入れてください。
  3. 雨がたくさん降るとき、水が家に入ってくることがあります。家の中の大事なものを安全なところに動かしてください。
  4. 山の近くは危険です。がけ崩れが起きやすいところに住んでいる人は早めに安全な場所に避難してください。避難できる場所のリストを見てください。

For more information, contact the Regional Disaster Prevention Section on the 6th floor of Kameoka City Hall (自治防災課 jichi bōsai ka, Tel:0771-25-6778).


Beware of heavy flooding こんなときは注意してください


  • Especially Heavy Rain (50-80 mm per hour)
    If the amount of rainfall per hour exceeds 50 mm (rain will fall in thick curtains, much like a waterfall), water may enter basements or underground malls. It is also possible that water will come flooding out of manholes. Landslides and other disasters are also a possibility.
    If rain exceeds this level, it could result in a large scale disaster and extreme caution is necessary.
  • とても激しい雨(1時間に50mm~80mm降る雨)
  • Mudslides/Landslides
    Most landslides or mudslides are caused by heavy rain. Please take cautionary measures if more than 20 mm of rain falls in one hour or if over 100 mm falls in total.
  • 土砂災害(たくさんの雨で山が崩れます。土や砂・石が流れてきます。)

Pay attention to weather updates 天気や雨の情報を確認してください。


You can find information about the weather at the following sites:


Preparing for Floods 今できること


  • Discuss an evacuation plan with your family and neighbors. 
    Talk about where and how you will evacuate. Think about your community. Elderly neighbors living alone will need your help and consideration.
  • 避難の準備をしてください。


  • Regularly clean out gutters and drains
    Clogged gutters and drains in your neighborhood can lead to flooding. Regularly clearing them out can help prevent water back up.
  • 溝や雨水ます(雨の水を貯めておくところ)の掃除をしてください。




  • Prepare an evacuation kit 
    It is a good idea to put together an evacuation kit in case you need to evacuate after a disaster strikes. Sometimes you cannot buy daily items after a disaster, so you should stockpile certain necessary items. See below for a list of items you should have prepared, ready to grab at a moments notice.
  • 避難するときに必要な物を準備してください(持ち出し品)

Preparing for Evacuation 避難するときの準備をしてください

Create an evacuation kit

Create your own evacuation kit by filling a backpack with daily use items that you would need should you have to evacuate in a disaster.



Keep a stockpile of useful items

In a disaster, it may be difficult to find items that you need. You should keep a stockpile of daily items in your home in case of a disaster.



Please refer to the following links for the item checklist for evacuation and stockpile.


Disaster Preparedness Handbook|京都府国際センター​<外部リンク>

Protect Yourself From Flooding 水が家に入らないように

There are many different ways to protect your home from flooding. If heavy rain falls try the following:



  • Use garbage bags to create simple "waterbags" that can be used as a barrier in the place of sandbags. Double bag two 40 liter garbage bags and fill them halfway with water. Tie the bags securely and place in front of entryways.
  • ごみ袋を使う方法があります。ごみ袋(40リットルぐらいの水が入るサイズ)を二重にしてください。中に半分ぐらいの水を入れて、閉めます。家に水が入ってこないように家の前においてください。


  • Make "waterbags" as described above. Then place them in cardboard boxes for more protection.
  • 水が入ったごみ袋を段ボール箱に入れて、たくさん並べます。


  • Make a barrier by filling 10 or 20 liter polyethylene tanks with water and covering them with a tarp.
  • ポリタンクとレジャーシートを使う方法があります。ポリタンク(10リットルか20リットルのサイズ)に水を入れて、レジャーシートで巻いて並べます。


  • Make a barrier by filling planters with soil and covering them with a tarp.
  • プランターとレジャーシートを使う方法があります。土を入れたプランターをレジャーシートで巻いて並べます。


  • Use boards or planks to block incoming water. Prop up the boards in front of doors and entryways using "waterbags."
  • 板(いた)を使う方法があります。出入り口に長めの板などを置いて、水を止めます。

When to evacuate 「避難をしたほうがいい?」―情報を確認してください

If there is a high risk of flooding, the city may issue advisories to the public through the following channels:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Cars with loudspeakers
  • Regional wireless systems
  • Autonomous disaster prevention organizations
  • Kameoka Information Emailing Services (see below for registration information)

* You can register for the Kameoka Information Emailing Services online (service in Japanese only):


  • テレビ
  • ラジオ
  • 広報車
  • 無線
  • 自主防災組織
  • かめおかメール情報配信サービス


When you do evacuate 避難するときには

  • Evacuate early 早めに避難してください。
    Even if there has been no call for an evacuation, if you feel as if you are in danger, you should prepare quickly and head to a safe location early. See information on evacuation shelters here.


  • Cooperate with your neighbors 近所の人と協力してください
    Do not evacuate alone. Try to evacuate in a group or with family members. Tie a rope between two or more people in your party to ensure that you don't become separated.
  • Wear safe and flexible clothing 歩きやすい、安全な服を着てください
    Wear waterproof clothing with good insulation and sports shoes with laces. Do not wear rain boots. Carry things like emergency items with you in a backpack.


  • Be careful when leaving your home 水が深いときに注意してください
    Ditches, gutters, and manholes that are normally visible can become concealed by mud or water during heavy rains. Use a long walking stick or staff to check the safety of your path and prevent falling into ditches. Take great care when walking outside and take the highest road possible.

Message services 家族や友達と連絡するとき

After a natural disaster, it can be difficult to contact friends and family by telephone because service may be out or the lines may be overloaded.

NTT and most cell phone providers offer various disaster message services so you can leave messages for friends and family after a disaster.



  • Important Phone Numbers
    • Kameoka City Hall: 0771-22-3131 (Switchboard)
    • Kameoka Fire Department 0771-22-0119 (in an emergency, dial 119)
    • Kameoka Police Department 0771-24-0110 (in an emergency, dial 110)
  • どうしたらいいか分からないとき
    • 亀岡市役所:0771-22-3131
    • 亀岡消防署:0771-22-0119(緊急のときは119番)
    • 亀岡警察署:0771-24-0110(緊急のときは110番)


