The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issues warnings and advisories in response to severe weather.
The JMA will contact prefectural/municipal governments to begin response measures and citizens will be contacted on a municipal level or through local media. Warnings and advisories will usually be broadcast on television and over radio, but you can also check for updates directly at the JMA homepage<外部リンク>.
Kameoka offers an information E-mail service. You can register for E-mail services online:
※When a warning has been issued, schools and daycares may close for the day. Each school and daycare has a different policy so be sure to contact them directly if a warning is issued.
Types of Warnings, Alerts and Advisories 特別警報、警報と注意報
There are 6 different types of weather warnings that the JMA will issue to alert people to possible weather related danger.
- Heavy Rain Warning 大雨特別警報 おおあめとくべつけいほう ōame tokubetsu keihō
A heavy rain warning will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from heavy rains that are expected to yield high rainfall amounts that is expected to be the worst in the last couple of decades due to typhoons or torrential rainfalls. It is also issued in the case of a strong typhoon or extratropical cyclone that is of a strength seen once in a couple of decades. Possibility of flooding and landslides are high. If there is still a chance of landslides occurring even after the rain has stopped, the warning will be continued.
- Heavy Snow Warning 大雪特別警報 おおゆきとくべつけいほう ōyuki tokubetsu keihō
A heavy snow warning will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from heavy snowfall that is expected to be one of the worst in the last couple of decades.
- Strong Wind Warning 暴風特別警報 ぼうふうとくべつけいほう bōfū tokubetsu keihō
A strong wind warning will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from strong winds due to a strong typhoon or extratropical cyclone that is expected to be one of the worst in the last couple of decades.
- Blizzard Warning 暴風雪特別警報 ぼうふうせつとくべつけいほう bōfūsetsu tokubetsu keihō
A blizzard warning will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from very strong winds accompanied by heavy snowfall due to a strong typhoon or extratropical cyclone that is expected to be one of the worst in the last couple of decades..
- Heavy Seas Warning 波浪特別警報 はろうとくべつけいほう harō tokubetsu keihō
A heavy seas warning will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from high waves due to a strong typhoon or extratropical cyclone that is expected to be one of the worst in the last couple of decades.
- Flood Tide Warning 高潮特別警報 たかしおとくべつけいほう takashio tokubetsu keihō
A flood tide warning will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from an unusual rise in sea level due to a strong typhoon or extratropical cyclone that is expected to be one of the worst in the last couple of decades..
There are 7 different types of weather alerts that the JMA will issue to alert people to possible weather related danger.
- Heavy Rain Alert 大雨警報 おおあめけいほう ōame keihō
A heavy rain alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from heavy rains, such as flooding or landslides. If there is still a chance of landslides occurring even after the rain has stopped, the warning will be continued.
- Flood Alert 洪水警報 こうずいけいほう kōzui keihō
A flood alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from rivers overflowing with snowmelt, heavy rains, or continuous rain. When only a specific river is considered in danger of overflowing, a "specified river flood warning" (特定河川洪水警報 tokutei kasen kōzui keihō) will be issued instead.
- Heavy Snow Alert 大雪警報 おおゆきけいほう ōyuki keihō
A heavy snow alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from heavy snowfall.
- Strong Wind Alert 暴風警報 ぼうふうけいほう bōfū keihō
A strong wind alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from strong winds.
- Blizzard Alert 暴風雪警報 ぼうふうせつこうほう bōfūsetsu keihō
A blizzard alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from very strong winds occurring with heavy snowfall. This includes not only damage from the build-up of snow, but also from loss of visibility due to snowfall. If danger is anticipated not from "heavy snowfall accompanied by very strong winds," but only from "heavy snowfall," the JMA will issue a heavy snow warning (大雪警報 ōyuki keihō)
- Heavy Seas Alert 波浪警報 はろうけいほう harō keihō
A heavy seas alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from high waves. This is not to be confused with a tsunami warning (津波警報 tsunami keihō). A tsunami is a high wave that is caused by an earthquake.
- Flood Tide Alert 高潮警報 たかしおけいほう takashio keihō
A flood tide alert will be issued when serious danger is anticipated from an unusual rise in sea level due to a typhoon or low air pressure system.
There are 16 different types of advisories that the JMA will issue to alert people to possible weather related danger.
- Heavy Rain Advisory 大雨注意報 おおあめちゅういほう ōame chūihō
A heavy rain advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from heavy rains, such as flooding or landslides. If there is still a chance of landslides occurring even after the rain has stopped, the advisory will be continued.
- Flood Advisory 洪水注意報 こうずいちゅういほう kōzui chūihō
A flood advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from rivers overflowing from snowmelt, heavy rains, or continuous rain. When only a specific river is considered to be in danger of overflowing, a "specified river flood warning" (特定河川洪水注意報 tokutei kasen kōzui chūihō) will be issued instead.
- Heavy Snow Advisory 大雪注意報 おおゆきちゅういほう ōyuki chūihō
A heavy snow advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from heavy snowfall.
- Strong Winds Advisory 強風注意報 きょうふうちゅういほう kyōfū chūihō
A strong wind advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from strong winds.
- Snowstorm Advisory 風雪注意報 ふうせつちゅういほう fūsetsu chūihō
A snowstorm advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from snowfall accompanied by strong winds. This includes not only danger from the build up of snow, but also from loss of visibility due to snowfall. If danger is anticipated not from "heavy snowfall accompanied by strong winds," but only from "heavy snowfall," the JMA will issue a "heavy snow advisory" (大雪注意報 ōyuki chūihō) instead.
- Heavy Seas Advisory 波浪注意報 はろうちゅういほう harō chūihō
A heavy seas advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from high waves. This is not to be confused with a tsunami advisory (津波注意報 tsunami chūihō). A tsunami is a massive wave that is caused by an earthquake.
- Flood Tide Advisory 高潮注意報 たかしおちゅういほう takashio chūihō
A flood tide advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from an unusual rise in sea level due to a typhoon or low air pressure system.
- Heavy Fog Advisory 濃霧注意報 のうむちゅういほう nōmu chūihō
A heavy fog advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from heavy fog, including transportation systems operating in low visibility conditions.
- Thunderstorm Advisory 雷注意報 かみなりちゅういほう kaminari chūihō
A thunderstorm advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from lightning. Also, a thunderstorm advisory indicates a danger of sudden heavy rains, hail, or strong winds.
- Dry Weather Advisory 乾燥注意報 かんそうちゅういほう kansō chūihō
A dry weather advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from dry weather. In general this indicates a danger of fire caused by periods of extended dryness.
- Avalanche Advisory なだれ注意報 なだれちゅういほう nadare chūihō
An avalanche advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from snow slides from the mountains.
- Ice Advisory 着氷注意報 ちゃくひょうちゅういほう chakuhyō chūihō
An ice advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from an unusual buildup of ice. In general this indicates the possiblity of damage to telephone and electric wires, as well as to the bodies of ships, etc.
- Snow Accumulation Advisory 着雪注意報 ちゃくせつちゅういほう chakusetsu chūihō
A snow accumulation advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from an unusual buildup of snow. In general, this indicates the possibility of damage to telephone and electric wires, as well as to the bodies of ships, etc.
- Snowmelt Advisory 融雪注意報 ゆうせつちゅういほう yūsetsu chūihō
A snowmelt advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from the melting of a large amount of snow. In general this indicates flood damage and a danger of landslides.
- Frost Advisory 霜注意報 しもちゅういほう shimo chūihō
A frost watch will be issued when danger is anticipated from the formation of frost. In general, this indicates damage to crops from sudden frost buildup or an overnight frost.
- Low Temperature Advisory 低温注意報 ていおんちゅういほう teion chūihō
A low temperature advisory will be issued when danger is anticipated from low temperatures. In general, this indicates damage to crops or the possiblity of frozen or burst pipes.
For more information, please visit the JMA website(English)<外部リンク>