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Support and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities 障がい者福祉 (しょうがいがある人の支援)

8 働きがいも経済成長も
ページID:0002329 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

Disability Recordbooks 手帳について

Physical Disability Recordbook 身体障害者手帳

A Physical Disability recordbook (身体障害者手帳 shintai shōgaisha techō) is necessary to receive various welfare services and benefits. The recordbooks are divided into level 1 to level 6 depending on the level disability.

Applications will go through the Welfare Office and processed and issued by Kyoto Prefecture.



Eligibility 対象

Persons with permanent disabilities involving vision, hearing, equilibrium, speech, mastication, the limbs, the body, the heart, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, the bladder, the rectum, the small intestine, the immune system.



Necessary documents 申請に必要なもの

For new applications
  • Physical disability recordbook application form (身体障害者手帳交付申請書 shintai shōgaisha techō kofu shinseisho), medical certificate from a designated doctor
  • One ID Photograph (length 4cm x width 3cm)
  • Personal seal (印鑑 inkan)
  • 身体障害者手帳交付申込書・指定医師による診断書
  • 本人の顔写真(縦4cm・横3cm)1枚
  • 印鑑

Special Education Recordbook 療育手帳

A Special Education Recordbook (療育 ryōiku techō) is used to receive various welfare services and benefits. The recordbooks are divided into A (severe) or B (moderate, light).

Applications will go through the Welfare Office and processed and issued by Kyoto Prefecture.

An assessment must be carried out at the Kyoto General Family Support Center (京都府家庭支援総合センター kyōtofu katei shien sōgō sentaa). A parent or guardian must be present.




Necessary documents 申請に必要なもの

  • One ID Photograph (length 4cm x width 3cm)
  • Special Education Recordbook application for issuance
  • Special Education Recordbook school record
  • Personal seal (印鑑 inkan)
  • 本人の顔写真(縦4cm・横3cm)1枚
  • 療育手帳交付申請書
  • 療育手帳調査書
  • 印鑑

Kyoto Family Support Center


(kyōto-shi higashiyama-ku kiyomizu yonchōme 185 banchi 1)






Health Benefits Recordbook for the Mentally Ill 精神障害者保健福祉手帳

A Health Benefits Recordbook for the Mentally Ill is used to receive various welfare services and benefits.

The record books are divided into level 1 to level 3. Applications will go through Kameoka City and processed and issued by Kyoto Prefecture.



Necessary documents 申請に必要なもの

For new applications
  • Health Benefits Recordbook for the Mentally Ill application for issuance
  • Medical certificate (for use in the Health Benefits Recordbook for the Mentally Ill) , or a Mental disorder medical certificate, or copy of mental illness benefit claim annuity certificate, or copy of a bank account that has recieved your most recent pension payment
  • Personal seal (印鑑 inkan)
  • One ID Photograph (length 4cm x width 3cm)
  • 精神障害者保健福祉手帳交付申請書
  • 診断書(精神障害保健福祉手帳用)または精神障がいを支給事由とする年金証書または直近の年金振込通知書
  • 印鑑
  • 本人の顔写真(縦4cm・横3cm)1枚
For renewal applications
  • The Recordbook is valid for 2 years and you must renew your book if you wish to extend its validity.
  • 手帳の有効期限は2年で、延長を希望する場合は更新手続きが必要です。

*Please report to the service desk if you have lost your recordbook or if your address or name has been changed.

For more information, please contact the Disability Welfare Section (障害福祉課shōgai fukushi ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall. Tel:0771-25-5031


Medical Support Programs 医療を受けたいとき

Financial Aid for Medical Treatment Aimed at Improving Independence 自立支援医療(自立性を高めるための医療への支援)

  • Rehabilitation【更生医療】(障害者の自立性を高めるための医療費への支援)
    This program will provide part of the costs of medical treatment designed to improve the independence of persons with physical disabilities.
  • Developmental【育成医療】(障害のある子どもの障害を改善するための医療)
    This program will provide part of the costs for medical treatment designed to reduce the impact of a disability on a child.
  • Mental Illness【精神通院】(精神障害のある人の自立性を高めるための医療費)
    This program will provide part of the costs of a medical treatment at a mental facility (without hospitalization).

Medical Welfare Benefits 福祉医療

This program will pay to insurance co-pay for the treatment of a disease or injury for someone with a severe disability.


Services サービスを受けたいとき

Before you can begin using the following services you must apply for certification as a benefits recipient.


Services サービス

Nursing Care benefits 介護給付

In-home nursing care (home helper)

居宅介護(ホームヘルプ)kyotaku kaigo


At-home nursing care to assist with bathing, using the restroom, having meals etc.


Visiting care for persons with severe disabilities

重度訪問介護 jyudo homon kaigo


Comprehensive nursing care for persons with severe disabilities who require assistance with bathing, using the bathroom, having meals etc., in addition to getting around when they go out.


Activity support

行動援護 kodo engo


Support for persons with difficulties in their actions who need necessary aid for avoiding danger, in addition to support with getting around when they go out.


Accompanying support

同行援護 doko engo


Accompanying support for those who have severe visual impairment when they go out.


Medical Care

療養介護 ryoyo kaigo


Daytime functional training, medical supervision, nursing, care during medical supervision, daily life support at hospitals for persons who need medical care


Assisted-living care

生活介護 seikatsu kaigo


Support for daily bathing, using the bathroom, having meals, and opportunities for creative daily activities at support facilities for persons with disabilities


Short Stay

短期入所(ショートステイ)tanki nyusho


Nursing support for bathing, using the toilet and having meals at the facilities where the patient requires short term stay for their health condition


Comprehensive support for persons wither severe disabilities

重度障害者等包括支援 jyudo shogaisha hokatsu shien


At-home nursing for persons who require continuous care


Communal Daily Living Care

共同生活介護(グループホーム)kyodo seikatsu kaigo (Group home)


Night time care at group homes to assist with bathing, using the toilet, and having meals


Support facilities

施設入所支援 shisetsu nyusho shien


Nursing Care for persons at the facilities to assisting in bathing, using the toilet and having meals at night


訓練等給与 Training services


自立訓練 jiritsu kunren


Providing necessary rehabilitation service for improving physical function and social ability in order to assist independent everyday living and social life


Transition support for employment

就労移行支援 shuro iko shien


Providing necessary training for improving necessary knowledge and skills for work for those seeking to work


Support for continuous employment

就労継続支援 shuro keizoki shien


Providing work opportunities and training for improving knowledge and skills necessary for work for persons have difficulties being employed by ordinary places of business


Child development support

児童発達支援 jido hattsu shien


Providing instruction about basic actions in daily life, adaptive training to group living for preschool children with special needs


After school day service

放課後等デイサービス hokado dei sa-busu


Training necessary for improving social ability and social interaction promotion for children attending school with special needs held after school or during summer holidays


サービス利用料 Service fees

10% of the original fee but there is a monthly fee limit depending on salary.

For more information about available services and how to apply, please contact the Disability Welfare Section (障害福祉課 shōgai fukushi ka) on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall.Tel:0771-25-5031

Transportation Benefits and Services 交通機関を利用したいとき

  • Bus/Taxi Fare Discount (applications differ by company)
  • Taxi's Equipped with a Wheelchair Lift (for people in wheelchairs, etc.)
  • JR Train/Ferry/Highway Discount
  • Toll Expressway Fare Discount
  • Travel Fee Assistance for Persons with Kidney Problems
  • Travel Fee Assistance for Persons Attending Support Facilities or Attending Service Programs
  • Financial Aid for Improving Vehicle Access for Persons with Disabilities
  • バス・タクシーの運賃割引(会社によって手つづきが違います)
  • リフト付きタクシー(車いすを使う人や寝たきりの障害者のため)
  • JRの運賃割引
  • 有料道路通行料金の割引
  • じん臓機能障害者通院交通費の助成(じん臓機能の障害がある人が病院に行くときの交通費の支援)
  • 障害者サービス事業所等通所交通費の助成(障害者がサービスを受けるときや施設に行くときの交通費の支援)
  • 身体障害者用自動車改造費助成(体に障害がある人が楽に乗れるように車をよくするときのお金の支援)

Information Support 情報が必要なとき

  • Kameoka Audio News: Kameoka will provide a voice recording of city news free of charge for persons with visual disabilities.
  • 亀岡市「声の広報」:市の広報を録音し、視覚障害者(目の障害がある人)に無料で送ります。

Lifestyle Support 介護や介助が必要なとき

  • Home Bathing Services: a professional will come and assist with bathing
  • Sign Language Interpretation Services, etc.
  • 訪問入浴サービス:自分でお風呂に入ることに困っている重度の障害者を対象に移動入浴車により家で入浴サービスをします。
  • 手話通訳者・要約筆記者の派遣

Financial Support Programs 手当を受けたいとき(お金の支援)

  • Special Disability Allowance(特別障害者手当 tokubetsu shōgaisha teate)
    Allowance paid to persons over the age of 20 living at home with severe disabilities that require continuous special care for their daily living.
  • Children's Welfare Allowance (障害児福祉手当 shōgaiji fukushi teate)
    Allowance paid to persons under the age of 20 living at home with severe disabilities that require continuous care for their daily living.
  • Special Child Support Allowance (特別児童扶養手当 tokubetsu fuyō teate)
    Allowance for parents or guardians raising families with children that have moderate or more severe disabilities or sicknesses (there is an income limitation).
  • 特別障害者手当(とくべつしょうがいしゃてあて)
  • 障害児福祉手当(しょうがいじふくしてあて)
  • 特別児童扶養手当(とくべつじどうふようてあて)

Assistive Devices 補装具や日常生活用具が必要なとき

  • Provision and Repair of Assistive Devices: This program will provide or repair devices used to help make everyday life easier for persons with disabilities.
  • Provision of Daily Use Items: This program will provide items useful for daily life to help make life easier for persons with severe disabilities or mental disabilities.
  • 補装具の交付・修理:身体障害者手帳の所持者が日常生活や職業生活をしやすくする補装具を買うときなどのお金の支援をします。(所得制限があります。)
  • 日常生活用具の給付:重度の障害者や知的障害者が自分の力で日常生活を営めるように用具を渡します。

Support and Consulation 相談窓口

Omusubi: Kameoka City Disability Consulation Support Center
Omusubi provides informaiton and consultation support for persons with disabilities and their families.
Address: Kameoka-shi Yasumachi Kamagamae 19-2 亀岡市安町釜ケ前19-1
(Kameoka City Hall East side)



