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The Japanese Medical System 日本の 医療 制度について

ページID:0002321 2021年7月12日更新 印刷ページ表示

Emergency Care 緊急のとき


Calling an Ambulance 救急車を呼ぶとき

Please click Emergency(Calling for Help, Police, Fire Department)​ for more information.

詳しくは 緊急のとき(助けを呼ぶ・警察・消防署)​へ行ってください。

If You Need to See a Doctor on a Sunday or Holiday 日曜日・祝日などに医者にみてもらいたいとき

Kameoka After Hours Treatment Center(亀岡市休日急病診療所 kameokashi kyūjitsu kyūbyō shinryōsho)

Hours: Sundays, holidays, and December 30~January 3

9:50~11:30, 13:00~16:30

Address: Yasumachi Kamagamae 82 (安町釜ヶ前82)


亀岡市休日急病診療所 (かめおかしきゅうじつきゅうびょうしんりょうしょ)





Clinics and Hospitals 病院や医院について

In Japan, you can visit any clinic or hospital for out-patients.

Japanese clinics and hospitals are often open only in the morning and evening. They generally close in the afternoon. Be sure to check times. Open hours are indicated by a "○" and closed hours are indicated by a "×."




Clinics and Hopsitals 病院や医院の違い

Clinics(医院 iin, クリニック kurinikku, or 診療所 shinryōsho):

Clinics are usually small doctor's offices that generally operate with one or two physicians. You should visit a clinic when you have a cold or other non-serious illness. The physician will determine whether or not you require hospitalization or special treatment.

Each clinic will have specified departments. Rather than visiting a general practitioner, patients are expected to choose a clinic that has the department that best suits their needs. For example, if you are having sinus pain, you should visit an Ear, Nose, and Throat clinic directly.

Hospitals(病院 byōin)

You should visit a hospital when you need more precise examination or treatment. In general, hospitals are only open for treatment during the morning. Afternoon treatments are reserved for returning patients or patients with appointments.

If the hospital has more than 200 beds, you may be required to pay an extra fee if you do not have a referral letter from another doctor (紹介状 shōkaijō).








Medical Examination Process 診察のながれ

Hospitals in Japan see patients on a first-come first-serve basis.


1.Reception 受付

You will be asked for your insurance card (健康保険証 kenkō hokenshō). If it is your first time visiting that clinic or hospital, you will need to fill out a Patient Information Form (診療申込書 shinryō mōshikomisho). On your first visit you will also be given a Patient's Registration Card (診察券 shinsatsuken). Bring this with your insurance card every time you visit that clinic.


2.If You do not Know Which Department to Visit どの科にいくかが分からないとき

Describe your symptoms to a nurse or staff member and follow their advice.


3.Medical Questionnaire While Waiting 待合室で病気を詳しく説明します。

While waiting to be seen by a doctor, a medical staff member will ask about your symptoms and medical history in detail. You may be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire (問診票 monshinhyō). If necessary, the nurse will run tests.

※You can get a copy of a multilingual medical questionnaire NPO International Community Hearty Konandai・Kanagawa International Foundation<外部リンク>.

待っている間に病院の人があなたの症状について聞きます。症状はいつから始まったか・前にかかった病気などを教えてください。また 「問診票」を書きます。必要があれば、検査をします。


4.Consultation 医者にみてもらう

The doctor will examine you. They will discuss the course of treatment based on the result of any tests or examinations.

If medication is necessary you will get a prescription or make another appointment.

※In Japan the average amount of time a doctor spends with a patient is around 5 minutes.




5.Payment 会計(お金を払う)

Return to the waiting room and wait to be called to pay. 


6.Pharmacy 薬局

If the clinic does not dispense medicine, you need to visit a pharmacy to fill your prescription. A prescription is valid one time for a specified period of time (please confirm this).


Health Insurance 健康保険について

National Health Insurance (国民健康保険 kokumin kenkō hoken)

Foreign residents who have been living in Japan for over 3 months can join the National Health Insurance program. Bring your Residence Card to the Insurance & Pension Section on the 1st floor of Kameoka City Hall. If you are employed by a company, the company should make the application on your behalf. See National Health Insurance​ here for more details.<外部リンク>

If You Don't Have Medical Insurance

Without insurance, you will have to pay the full price of fees for medical treatment.

※ There are some available medical programs for the uninsured. (for people with a certificate of residence registered in Kameoka)

  • Even the uninsured are eligible for assistance programs such as "infant vaccinations," "tuburculosis subsidy," and "medical benefits for children with disabilities."
  • Pregnant women are also eligible for certain benefits. Turn in a "Notification of Pregnancy" at Kameoka City Hall and you will be issued a "Mother's Health Recordbook" and a "Health Guidebook for Parents." You will also be eligible for free health check-up coupons.


3ヶ月を超えて日本に住む人は国民健康保険に入ります。在留カードを持って亀岡市役所の1階にある保険医療課で手つづきをしてください。会社で働いている人は会社に手つづきをしてもらいます。詳しくは 国民健康保険​。<外部リンク>




  • 日本の保険に入っていなくても「こどもが予防接種をうける」、「結咳などの病気を治す」、「体に障害がある子ども、治すのが難しい病気がある子どもの医療費」などの制度を使うことができます。くわしくは受けた病院で聞いてください。
  • 「妊娠届」を亀岡市保健センターに持っていくと 「母子健康手帳」、「子育て家庭のための健康ガイド」と無料で妊婦健康診断が受けられる券をもらうことができます。

Guidebook ガイドブック

Kyoto Prefecture published a medical guidebook that provides health related vocabulary and information about the medical system in Japan. It is published in English, Chinese, Korean, and Easy Japanese. You can get a copy from the Citizens Involvement and Exchange Section (Kameoka City Hall, 5F) or online from the Kyoto Prefecture website<外部リンク>.

京都府が作った病院のことと 必要な単語を紹介するガイドブックがあります。英語・中国語・韓国語・やさしい日本語のガイドブックがあります。亀岡市役所の5階にある市民協働課からもらえます。また 京都府のホームページからダウンロードできます<外部リンク>


Useful Link 役に立つ リンク

Useful Link

役に立つ リンク


