【募集は終了しました】第22回「生涯学習賞」表彰候補者の推薦募集(22nd Annual Lifelong Learning Award)
Kameoka City established the "Lifelong Learning Award" in 2001 with the philosophy of the Kameoka Lifelong Learning City Declaration. Kameoka continues to strive towards making " a city that nurtures a rich heart and culture" a reality. We hope to contribute to the further cultivation of citizen's awareness for lifelong learning along with improving cultural standards.
We have the Award Enactment Outline in English as attached below.
- 第22回生涯学習賞 実施要領 [PDFファイル/369KB]
- Award Enactment Outline [PDFファイル/482KB]
- 補足説明Additional Explanation [PDFファイル/140KB]
This year the 「You・I Lifelong Learning Award」「Lifelong Learning Inclusive Society Award」「Lifelong Learning Encouragement Award」will be awarded.
1.表彰の種類 Awards
- 生涯学習ゆう・あい賞「千登三子(せんとみこ)賞」 You・I Lifelong Learning Award『Sen Tomiko Award』
- 生涯学習共生賞「上田正昭(うえだまさあき)賞」 Lifelong Learning Inclusive Society Award『Ueda Masaaki Award』
- 生涯学習奨励賞 Lifelong Learning Encouragement Award
2.表彰の対象 Award Eligibility
These awards shall be presented to individuals or groups who have made considerable contributions to the promotion of lifelong learning not only within Japan, but also internationally.
3.表彰の基準 Award Criteria
生涯学習ゆう・あい賞「千登三子賞」 You・I Lifelong Learning Award『Sen Tomiko Award』
- 熱い思いと情熱により生涯学習の道に精進し、文化の向上に寄与するまちづくりに積極的に取り組んでいる。Passionate and devoted towards the path of lifelong learning. Diligently contributes to cultural improvement within the city.
- 一人ひとりの個性と能力を互いに認め、尊重する共生の立場から、男女共同参画社会の発展に寄与し、生涯学習のまちづくりに業績を上げている。Achievements in creating a lifelong learning society. Mutually acknowledges the individuality and potential that each person offers, and contributes to the development of a gender-equal society through a position that respects inclusivity.
- 他の模範となる先進的でユニークな事業を展開している。Development of advanced, unique projects which have become a model to others.
生涯学習共生賞「上田正昭賞」 Lifelong Learning Inclusive Society Award『Ueda Masaaki Award』
- お互いの多様なあり方を尊重し、クリエイティブ(創造的)に、新しい物事を生み出すことに積極的に取り組んでいる。Respectful towards the mutual differences between one another, and heavily invested in the creative production of new ideas.
- 生涯学習活動を通じ、共生社会を築くための取り組み・活動を実践している。Involvement in the implementation of projects and activities that help build a coexistent society through lifelong learning activities.
- 他の模範となる先進的でユニークな事業を展開している。Development of advanced, unique projects that have become a model to others.
生涯学習奨励賞 Lifelong Learning Encouragement Award
- 生涯学習によるまちづくりの事業が長期にわたっており、地域に根ざした活動を行っている。Involvement in city growth projects through lifelong learning over an extended period of time, alongside promoting activities that have roots in the community.
- 生涯学習活動を通じ、地域の活性化・イメージアップにつながる活動をしている。Involvement in activities that are tied to reinvigorating and upgrading community image through lifelong learning.
- 他の模範となる先進的でユニークな事業を展開している。Development of advanced, unique projects that have become a model to others.
4.受賞者の選考 Recipient Selection
生涯学習賞選考委員会において協議のうえ決定する。Deliberations will be made by the Lifelong Learning Award Selection Committee.
井上満郎(いのうえみつお)京都産業大学名誉教授 INOUE Mitsuo(Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Sangyo University)
佐々木丞平(ささきじょうへい)京都大学名誉教授 SASAKI Johei(Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
永田萠(ながたもえ)イラストレーター・絵本作家 NAGATA Moe(Illustrator and Author of Children’s Books)
山極寿一(やまぎわじゅいち)大学共同利用機関法人人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所長 YAMAGIWA Juichi(Director-General of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
(50音順)(names above are listed in Japanese syllabary order)
5.表彰の方法 Award Process
- 賞状および副賞を贈呈する。Firstly, the awards and prizes will be presented.
- 受賞者および団体・グループを亀岡市に招へいし、授賞式を開催する。Award recipients, organizations, and groups will then be invited to Kameoka where the award ceremony will be held.
- 生涯学習ゆう・あい賞「千登三子賞」受賞者については、記念講演などを行う。Finally, a speech will be delivered by the recipient of the Lifelong Learning Grand Award『Ishida Baigan Award』 or the You・I Lifelong Learning Award『Sen Tomiko Award』regarding their work.
6.賞の発表 Announcement of Award Recipients
令和5年11月※予定 Around the start of November 2023 (scheduled)
7.表彰の時期 Award Period
賞の発表後、受賞者と調整し決定する。To be coordinated with the award recipients after they have been announced.
8.賞の内容 Awards
賞状および副賞 Honorable Certificates and Prizes
- 生涯学習ゆう・あい賞「千登三子賞」50万円 You・I Lifelong Learning Award 『Sen Tomiko Award』Certificate and 500,000 JPY
- 生涯学習共生賞「上田正昭賞」30万円 Lifelong Learning Inclusive Society Award 『Ueda Masaaki Award』Certificate and 300,000 JPY
- 生涯学習奨励賞30万円 Lifelong Learning Encouragement Award Certificate and 300,000 JPY
9.推薦の手続き Recommendation procedures
第22回生涯学習賞表彰候補者推薦書に所要事項を記入のうえ、令和5年8月31日(木曜日)必着で次のあて先へ送付してください。The following Recommendation Form must be filled out, submitted and received by Thursday August 31st 2023.【No Exceptions】
あて先 Address
〒621-8501 京都府亀岡市安町野々神8番地 8 Nonogami, Yasumachi, Kameoka, Kyoto
亀岡市役所生涯学習部 市民力推進課 市民活動推進係 Kyoto Prefecture, Kameoka City Hall, Lifelong Learning Division, Citizen Involvement and Exchange Promotion Section
E-mail:[email protected]